It might also be worth looking at the python "entry points" mechanism
as a source of inspiration. Here's a summary as I understand it:
The idea is to associate a script name (which will go in the path)
with a function inside your module. At install time, the python setup
system then generates a tiny thunk script with the given name and puts
it in the install path for the python environment. The thunk deals
with using the correct python interpreter path to import the correct
module and call the desired function.
This can be nice as any platform-specific annoyances regarding setting
up paths and other environment details can go into the autogenerated
script and the package author doesn't need to deal with them. It also
allows for a layer of renaming to abstract the details of what is
considered callable from the shell on different systems. Eg, a batch
script could be generated on windows (I don't know if this is what
actually happens), while on linux you'd want the executable flag set
and avoid a filename extension. It also avoids the need for a script
per entry point which might be a good or bad thing depending on your
point of view.
Downsides as I see them: 1) the install directory can't be trivially
copied to a different path - this can be bad if you want to package an
entire environment 2) Calling the entry points during package
development is different from after they've been installed, and this
is annoying.
Is there any documentation or code for the proposed Pkg3 design other
than the juliacon talk?
Post by Ben WardThanks Stefan,
From our brief discussion in the issue, we considered maybe there would be
some hook that gets run during Pkg.add and Pkg.rm, bit how the build.jl
script of each package gets run during install.
import Glob
for script in Glob.glob("bin/*.jl")
symlink(script, joinpath("/usr/local/bin", splitdir(script)[2]))
But of course without a corresponding Pkg.rm operation to undo that, you'll
have broke links all up in your /usr/local/bin :/
I tried to read the Pkg. source today to see if I could see where in the add
process for example the package repository is downloaded, and build.jl run
and so on.
I got as far as the REQUIRE stuff getting resolved and edited by Entry.add,
which executes Entry.edit, but then Entry.edit calls resolve, and there's
graph stuff and at that point I got lost so couldn't really determine where
in the entire process something like a symlinking of "app scripts" in a
package would occur (somewhere just after the package is downloaded, and
build.jl and so on is run for the package is my guess where this fits).
I know a lot of people I work with, and bioinformaticians in general would
really like this: we very often create libraries which can be loaded in
scripts and other future projects, but we also need that code quickly
runnable in day to day pipelines and jobs, so often have small apps or
scripts very thinly wrapping some of the functions in those libraries or
Post by Stefan KarpinskiSeems like a plausible thing to do, although we'd have to have a
discussion about the security implications. I'll keep it in mind for the
Pkg3 revamp of the package manager.
Post by Ben WardHi,
Essentially we are wondering if apps could be distributed using julia and
Pkg, by having packages include bin scripts that could be symlinked into the
path (much like NPM does
during install of the package.
At the moment the suggestion is perhaps to just use deps/build.jl to do
this. But a specific hook in the Pkg install process could also be cool.
Advice or suggestions welcome here or the issue, I'm not 100% familiar
with the Pkg internals, I have only read the Pkg.update function source.
Many Thanks,